Sunday, February 1, 2015

Let's Get Quirky

We all have those moment in life where we wonder "does that happen to anyone else, or is that just me?" And most of the time we keep the wondering to ourselves. 

But if we keep that wondering to ourselves how will we ever know?! 

Recently I began thinking about this. 

I was in my bathroom yesterday cleaning the shower with Ajax. I saw my shower was draining slowly so I decided to unclog my drain with Draino at the exact same time as I was using the Ajax. 

It smelled really bad and made me really dizzy and then a few hours later I remembered it was a toxic combo and I thought "does anyone else think before they do stupid things?" 

Or am I the only one that decided to clean their shower and unclog their drain at the same time.

I was at the store the other day looking for golden raisins. I couldn't find them to save my life. I started talking to myself out loud as I searched. I had no idea I was doing it until I saw an old man staring at me like I was crazy. 

I gave him the "what are you looking at old man" stare and walked off and then realized those thoughts in my head were not only in my head but I was talking out loud! 

Ahh... really, does anyone talk out loud to themselves in public? 

And what about bike riding? I feel like for most people bike riding is totally natural, it comes easily like walking does for a toddler. 

Oh no, not me. I didn't learn to ride a freaking bike till middle school! Like what? I really have no idea what I was so terrified of. 

Anyone else wait until they were 12 to learn to ride a bike? 

The reason I am talking about the silly, slightly embarrassing things I do is because I feel like we all strive to hard to be perfect. 

Well lets be honest, none of us are perfect and we all do weird shit. But why are so we embarrassed about the weird quirks we have?

I think quirks are what make people amazing. 

When someone tells me about one of their quirks I cannot help but smile and be impressed at how confident they are in themselves to be so open. 

The people that embrace their quirks and the ones you know who are comfortable in their own skin. 

I have certain quirks that I love and others that I am totally ashamed to tell people about. 

I can be open about most things, but I have hard time being open about things that make me vulnerable, the quirks I have not yet come to embrace. 

Being vulnerable is scary, especially when you haven't come to terms with being comfortable with yourself. 

So how can we learn to be vulnerable and honest with ourselves and others?

I think talking about our quirks is a strong starting point. 

A quirk I am not very comfortable with yet is that I have a hard time with touch, especially hugs. I get tense when someone comes to hug me. I don't know what it is but I get anxiety and don't know how to relax. 

I don't think I have told anyone that, but now it is out there and I can learn to accept this quirk and work towards being able to accept and give hug without become as tense as a freaking brick. 

What quirks do you have yet to embrace? 

I bet they make you uniquely beautiful. 

"No one can transcend their own individuality" - Arthur Schopenhauer 

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