Tuesday, January 20, 2015


This is my game face.

Sometimes I forget that I can be this determined.

This picture was taken after running up to the Vista House. It was a pain in the ass (literally) four mile run uphill. Not only was it uphill but it was on the scenic highway in the Gorge where most of the drivers didn't know runners were on the roads, even though it was a race. (No I did not to choose to run up to the Vista House by myself, I am not that ridiculous!)

So the run entailed disgusting heat, hills and jumping into bushes so cars would not hit me.

But through all off this I had six road kills (meaning I passed  six other runners) and thoroughly enjoyed myself.

I ended the run tired and sweaty but so completely energized and loving life, everything about it!

This happens when I run, especially when I run hard! Running reminds me of my strength. I reminds me when I am determined I can accomplish anything I put my mind on!

This picture, with my scary, sweaty face reminds of that.

I have needed that reminder a lot lately because it is easy to be weighted down. Life can be too much for me sometimes.

Lately, I have been feeling overwhelmed with juggling work and school and training. I have been an anxious mess which leads me to not want to do anything. I have been sitting in front on my computer for a good hour before I could write this blog because I didn't know what to say.

I actually sat here with myself and just thought. I ended up crying, in the middle of Starbucks because I felt so upset about life. (Yeah, I am the crazy girl who sits in public by herself and cries) but I think I needed to sit with myself and feel. It led me to realize I needed to pull the serious stick out of my ass and look for something that either made me laugh or realize that life is pretty damn awesome!

I found this picture. I am about to go to my track workout which I really wasn't wanting to go to but now I remember why I go to these things, why I push myself because once I am out there I find strength.

Life is tough and I have been spending the past month untangling really tough emotions in my life and lately I have forgotten that I am a determined individual that can do anything I put my mind too.

And by remembering this I can start to begin to see the beauty in not taking life to seriously, it will all eventually work out.

I cannot make it work out quickly or how I want it to so I can either be annoyed, sullen and overwhelmed or I can laugh and enjoy what life is handing me.

That is my goal for this week, to not take life to seriously. To laugh and enjoy it.

There is a lot of hardship in the world but laughter can help ease the burden.

The most wasted of all days is one without laughter. -E.E. Cummings

1 comment:

  1. You kicked that things ass. When I took Jackson the scenic route to our hike on Monday, I told him all about your run as we went by Vista house and down the side you ran up. It was brutal. It is brutal in a car (there was someone who couldn't handle the curves and was getting towed out of a ditch as we drove by) and to run that? Wow. Just, wow. You ran it, hard, you didn't let it overcome you, you smiled as you did it.... I was amazed that day and I am still in awe. You have a brutal force within you and I feel lucky to have glimpsed that beast. 700 foot climb in the last 2 1/2 miles of your leg. For real (Just looked it up).
