Sunday, January 18, 2015

A Time to Celebrate

Through this blog I have worked hard to look deep and untangle some tough emotions and life situations I have been going through, I have tried to dig deep and that has led to some seriously dark blog entries. I try to stay on the positive side but when your dealing with the tough stuff it cannot always be happy go lucky...

But I want to take today and celebrate the wonderful nature of life!!!! Life is a gift and through all my trails and tribulations I have this growing excitement for each new day that comes my way! There is so much opportunity in the world and I am learning to embrace the opportunities and make the most out of each situation. 

Over the summer I went to Mexico and volunteered at an orphanage. I met my old youth pastor there with his youth group from Hawaii, It was one of those experiences that change your life. It allowed me to live beyond myself and reminded me of my love to serve others.

I spoke in an earlier blog entry about my unconditional love for my niece and how my sister is my hero and role model. Beyond my sister and my niece I am blessed with a spectacular family! They support me and love me unconditionally even when I do not deserve it. I am strong because of them and I am reminded daily that I am not alone. They are my foundation that allows me to build a sturdy life where I can flourish and love others as I have been loved.

My friends also are like family to me. I have some the closest girlfriends a girl could ask for. Three of them: Natosha, Anna and Kourtney have been in life for many years. We have struggled through the difficult times and embraced the wonderful times but no matter what we have always been there for each other. I was once told by an insightful woman that if you have seven close friends in your life than you are truly lucky. I have that support and many others in my life I know I could turn to if I really needed too!

On top of my amazing experiences, family and friends I have a job that fills me up with gratitude and joy (most days). Working with special education students is hard work but it is the most rewarding job I have ever had. I go to work everyday and get to help my students develop and learn. I have the responsibility to help them grow into little people who will be eventually have an impact on the world. ( I also get to do fun art projects and pretend I am a kid again!)
And finally I am apart of an amazing team that is running to fight cancer. Every time I am with them I hear brave stories of people who are fighting cancer, all of us on the team have been affected by cancer one way of another. Instead of letting cancer defeat us, we use it as motivation to run for those who cannot. It is a weekly reminder that I am blessed and to not take advantage of life.

These are just a few of the spectacular things going on in my life! Experience and people can be easy to take advantage of if we don't sit down and truly realize how much they are doing in our lives. I struggle with life but in the big picture I have a blessed life. If it weren't for these blessing I probably wouldn't be able to dig deep and seriously examine my life. The best and the worst of things must be celebrated and used to enhance life!

Make the most of your regrets; never smother your sorrow, but tend and cherish it till it comes to have a separate and integral interest. To regret deeply is to live afresh. -Henry David Thoreau

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