Sunday, January 25, 2015

I'm Back!

I love this, like absolutely 100% love this because it is so completely true. Just a few days ago I wrote an article about laughter and how necessary it is. 

Psychology today wrote an article called You're Not Laughing and That's No Joke. The article explains that laughter enlightens us and changes us. 

The article quotes research that "has shown that laughter reduces levels of stress hormones such as cortisol, epinephrine, and dopamine; increases health-enhancing hormones (such as endorphins), neurotransmitters, and infection-fighting antibodies; and improves blood flow to the heart—all resulting in greater relaxation and resistance to disease, as well as improved mood and positive outlook".

It also explains laughter  makes us "lighten up which makes us feel more positive and optimistic, more hopeful and engaged. We're friendlier, more resourceful, more attractive, more radiantly alive".

In the end of the article it explains making a "laughing quota", a certain amount of laughs you want to reach each day. I love this idea! It is so easy to be serious all the time, especially at my job where the students make you want to scream but in reality most of the crazy shit they do is ridiculously funny. 

What really made me write about laughter again though is something that happened today. I felt like myself, my old care-free self.

I found myself being pleasantly quirky and laughing at the most random things. 

I had a study date with one of my close friends. He is one of those people you can joke about anything with, and I mean anything, were hopelessly ridiculous together. After studying we walked to get lunch. 

I found myself making car noises as I hopped curbs, I rambled about buying extra large goldfish and  after lunch we found our way to the pet store to pursue goldfish but end up hysterically laughing at mice running on their wheel. 

As I sit here writing this blog, I can't help but think "I'm back!" My quirky self is coming back, I am feeling light again. 

I know I won't always feel this way, but it feels good to know that I am seeing glimpses of my old self coming back. 

It truly amazing the power of care-free laugher and light heartedness. I am definitely going to work on reach a daily laugh quota! 

"Go home with yo bag of fish" -Dave

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