So for Day 3, my pure bliss moment happened in the morning with these two fluff balls.
I adopted Luna (the black kitty) a few 2 years ago when I went through a low time. She knows me in and out. She knows when I am sad or sick and curls up on my chest. She knows when I am happy and just watches me from the couch. She is always there for me and trots after me when I am around. She is my constant reminder that I am never alone.
Then you have Howie, (the orange and white stud) that thinks he is a bunny and bounces around the house constantly. He never stops playing and loves to cuddle, almost to a fault. He is a new addition to the family and brings me constant laughter.
It is amazing how two animals can bring so much joy and love. So on Saturday, sweet Luna and Howie got into the whip cream and decided it was the most delicious thing ever. Watching cats eat whip cream is probably the funniest thing you will ever see. You should really try it if you have cat....Just saying. It is a good reminder to laugh at the little things, even if they eat all the delicious whip cream...
Yesterday, Day 4 of my happiness count, was Father's Day. This is an easy happy moment because I am blessed with a father who has always been there for me and supported me through all my adventures in life and god knows I have been on some adventures, good and not so good. It was wonderful being able to see my dad and celebrate with him!
And finally there is today! Well if you know me at all you know my niece is my best friend and Dwayne comes in a close second. Today I got to see my niece with Dwayne in tow. We got to play all morning. My niece's desire to explore the world and her happy, care free ways teaches me every time I see her to explore life and stop being so damn serious. Getting to run, laugh and play in the sun truly is rejuvenating for the soul.
So when it is all said and done and wrapped up, my happiness for three days is family. Not just the family I have posted about! These past 3 days I have been able to see my family and Dwayne's family. I know am a lucky girl to have two families that I feel at home with and supported. I am learning to never take for granted the amazingness of family (cats included!!!!)
So much love lady!