I was feeling passionate about writing after my first session of acupuncture ever.
And then a lovely fellow blogger let me know my writing inspired her eloquently written blog about how "everything happens for a reason"
I realized the exact same thing after, scratch that, during my acupuncture session.
I woke up this morning and decided there was no way in hell I was going to work. My leg had kept me up all night, I was emotional, I was empty and I couldn't get my ass out of bed.
I gave myself permission for that to be OK and didn't feel guilty.
Fellow readers: THIS IS A BIG DEAL. I have a hell of a guilty conscious when it comes to missing work, or anything that I am suppose to be doing.
I didn't feel even a little bit guilty, I felt relieved.
So my day started out well, I iced my leg, worked on some very overdue projects, and cared for me.
And then I went to acupuncture...
It started out normally. I had the normal questions of injury but then the doctor asked me some obscure questions such as:
What do you dream about?
Do you have an appetite?
What do you crave: cold or hot?
Are you normally warm or cool?
Do you have a racing heart?
Do you sweat a lot?
How is your sleep/how often do you wake during the night?
How are your bowel movements?
The strange questions proceeded this way.
I proceeded to say something along the lines of "I am a basket of issues" and the doctor looked at me and said:
"Oh no, all these ailments are interlinked"
In my mind I thought "you have got to be shitting me"
But I was excited that maybe, just maybe, I could be healed.
The doctor explained my crazy, awful dreams, my insomnia, my lack of appetite, my daily anxiety, irritability and general angry overtone were all essentially linked with how my spleen and liver are functioning, or I guess I should say are not functioning.
And a major side-effects of all this are muscles tearing in the body.
So I got all excited even before the acupuncture started I was feeling better, because maybe I don't have to feel so awful all the time. That would be considered winning in my books.
So he put the needles in. They were all over, my feet, calfs, knees, hamstrings, ribs, hands, arms and face.
I had explained earlier that I was working on meditating and the doctor told me to meditate on how the needles were making me feel.
I feel so cliché saying this but it was a very out of body experience. Somehow I could think about a lot of my life circumstances without become disabled by emotion.
Once I finished and left I felt a strangely calm and happy and then I read the blog about "everything happening for a reason".
And I have to agree.
I am injured, I got some shit on my plate, but thats OK because it is teaching me and opening me up to new experiences.
Without being injured I would of never tried acupuncture.
Without being injured I would never written my blog that inspired a fellow blogger to write.
The universe, it is an amazing thing especially when you are able to have a positive aura and live in the goodness and see the beauty, even through the bad.
(I realize this is hard, to see the good in all situations, but there is no harm in trying, but I also have to say it is OK to sit with the bad and feel the emotions through difficult situations)
We all just need a healthy balance of accepting emotions and pushing through to the positive. (Yet again, I realize how hard this is)
We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves -Buddha
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