My balance is shaky and I am far from having the perfect form in any of the positions but damn it I am going to be a yogi.
I enjoy yoga, it is calming, it grounds me and lets me concentrate and connect with my body so I am working on being OK with looking like a fool while I am at yoga.
We even did the firefly pose (technical term: Tittibhasana) this is where you wrap your legs around your arms and hold yourself up, it is mostly shoulder strength.
First off, I am a runner.
Second off, that means I lack shoulder strength.
So I totally toppled on my ass (I am proud to say that I got it eventually and held it for like five seconds, boo yah!)
But I wasn't the only one who toppled on their ass, and the teacher of class said this...
"It's called yoga practice, because we are constantly practicing and bettering ourselves at yoga"
I was thinking about this statement this morning as I struggled through the morning.
I was having a tough morning, I confined in one of my friends that I was struggling with my faith and he asked me what I was struggling with...
I told him "everything right now. Honestly I just feel a little lost even in myself. I feel like I cannot connect to myself, to God, to anyone. Like I am in this bubble just watching".
He told me he thought it wasn't my faith I was struggling with but my trust.
(I have very intelligent friends, I am truly blessed. )
I am struggling with trusting anyone, even myself. I trusted so much and got hurt.
Essentially I toppled on my ass, just like in yoga.
But in yoga I was determined to try to it again, to get it right. It all takes practice.
I am realizing that its just like in life, it takes practice. I fell down and now I have to get back up and try again.
A need to try a new form, work on my strength and stay determined. My new way of looking at life is "life practice".
It's called life practice because we are constantly practicing and bettering ourselves in our own lives.
I know I'll keep falling, but I have to keep trying.
Ever tired. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fall again. Fall better. -Samuel Beckett
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