I am not really sure what life has in store for me.
I keep trying to figure it out...
I spent the past week hiking in the Olympic Rainforest.
It was a brilliant trip but it was an emotionally tough trip.
I have talked about how great I am as distracting myself, like I am too good at it.
But when your up in a freaking rainforest you can't distract yourself.
I didn't have school or work or fundraising or running. My constant stimulation of people and activities were cut off and I was left with myself.
It is amazing when you actually slow down how much you find in yourself, the good and the bad.
And then when I came home I got an email from the Peace Corps.
I have been planning on joining the Peace Corps as my next step after graduation. The email said something along the lines of:
"You have been placed in Thailand, you will officially know if you are accepted into the program in September and you would leave January 2016"
For some reason this threw me off my rocker because damn it, I want to leave as soon as I graduate. I want to keep going. I can't be stagnant. I must keep going a thousand miles per hour because slowing down hurts too damn much.
I overcame my meltdown and pulled myself together. I did what I always do and over planned, kept going, looked into options and started putting more plans in place.
I am this constant planner, obsessively in need for control.
Well life is a funny bitch and she is making me slow down.
I went on a 13 mile run today. It was a great run - long story short I ended up locking myself out of my car and so I laid in the sun until I got a spare key.
But when I stood up and tried to walk my right leg was stiff and refused to bend. It shot shooting pain through my whole body. I shrugged it off and figured it was nothing, but the pain didn't go away. Not after my bath, not after stretching, it just got continually worse. When I finally sat down and iced it I realized how bad my pain was.
The verdict: Grade 2 hamstring strain.
AKA no running, limited activity, light yoga at the most, I can swim but it isn't the same as running.
My biggest escape from reality has been taken away from me.
Life sometimes you are cruel.
My mom even said "I have to be around when your luck changes, it is going to be epic"
And she is right, my luck has to turn around but for now I somehow have to find the positive of having an out of commission leg.
I get life is making me slow down but damn it sucks.
Where is the silver lining?
We all want to do something to mitigate the pain of loss or to turn grief into something positive, to find a silver lining in the clouds. But I believe there is real value in just standing there, being still, being sad. -John Green